Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update on Sparky

Okay, so maybe Sparky didn't adjust to the wild life after all. Less than 24 hours after being free, after a storm came through yesterday evening, Austin hollers out, "Look, there's Sparky." And yes, there was Sparky on our front porch on top of the rocking chair all drenched looking in the window at us. So, we went out to visit him and Austin had went and got him a piece of a waffle from supper, so Sparky sat on top of my head and ate part of his waffle, then took back off to the woods with the waffle in his mouth. We just thought he was probably hungry. But, no he came back, got back on top of the rocking chair and kept jumping up and hitting the window until we put him back in the house. So, he got to sleep in his stroller again or as known to him, his home. But, this morning Andrew took him back out to the woods, but who knows he will probably come back pretty soon, especially since he has figured out how to get our attention to let him back in. So cute!

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